Blog Post Eight
Today we were in Greensboro on a beautifully sunny but unseasonably cold day. We came across a woman with a sign that said she was homeless. We went out of our way to circle around to talk to her and when I asked her if she was unsheltered she said it depended. Some days if she made enough money she might get a room, other days she stayed in a tent. This delightful older woman was precious. I asked if she would like a coat and she said “Oh that would be wonderful!” “Thank you!” I asked her name and like a proper southern woman she said her first name then her first and last name together. I delighted in meeting her, passing on one of our few remaining coats, hand warmers and a food bag that will help her tonight as this region experiences another cold night. I asked her how I could pray for her and she said a car, housing, and for life to get easier. So tonight Ms E. I will be praying for all these things, but also pray that you know that you are loved and you are worthy.
-Gear For The Homeless